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Motorised Wheelie Bin Trolley

Motorised Wheelie Bin Trolley


This specially designed trolley features a roll-over bar that assists in levering the bin onto and off the trolley with ease. The Wheelie Bin Trolley has been designed to transport bins over a distance. With the help of our 24V Dual Wheel MotorDrive, moving the heavy load is as easy as walking.

The trolley’s ingenious suspension system allows the drive wheels to float in a vertical and lateral movement. This ensures the drive system has positive contact to the ground at all times over all surfaces.

If you are interested in purchasing, contact Statina Healthcare Australia via our contact page or call us on 1300 365 404.

© 2020 JD Healthcare Group Pty Ltd 


JD Healthcare Group Pty Ltd

Mt. Kuring-Gai NSW 2080



T: 1300 791 404



ISO 9001 2015 Certified

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